Create Order
This method is used to create either an invoice or a payment plan order. You specify which one to create by setting the OrderType. Please note that to be approved by the service, different order types might require additional objects to be defined.
Defining OrderType as invoice and having a PaymentPlanInformation structure within the request will result in a failed request.
When you are creating orders for customers which reside in countries without unique SecurityNumbers, you have to identify them by populating as much data about the customer as possible. Then we can do an accurate scoring for them. See CustomerIdentity for more information on how to populate the CustomerIdentity structure.
Company Orders and Identification
When creating a company order for the countries which use SecurityNumber (Nordic countries), other specific customer information in the CustomerIdentity structure will be disregarded by the service. We will automatically look up the customer's address based upon the SecurityNumber. If the company has multiple establishments and you don't want the order to be sent to the first found address, you have to specify an AddressSelector in the ClientOrderInformation. Please see the GetAddresses method for more information.
For Swedish customers (B2C and B2B) it is necessary to use strong identification, such as BankID. When strong identification is enabled for your account, it is required to supply redirect URLs in the Navigation structure. Supplying URLs in other scenarios will result in a failed request.
Field | R | Type | Description |
CreateOrderInformation | * | CreateOrderInformation | Information about the order to be created |
Navigation | - | Navigation | Required for SE when BankID is enabled |
Field | R | Type | Description |
ClientOrderNumber | - | String(32) | Your reference to the current order. |
OrderRows | * | Array of OrderRow | The order rows that the order consists of. |
CustomerIdentity | * | CustomerIdentity | Identity of the customer. |
OrderDate | * | DateTime | The date the order was placed. |
AddressSelector | - | String | A key used to define an address when a customer has more than one address. (Only for SE, NO, DK, and FI) |
CustomerReference | - | String(32) | Customer reference. (Gets printed on the invoice.) |
OrderDeliveryAddress | - | Address | If order is to be delivered to an address other than the invoice, enter that address here. Special regulations concerning fraud prevention apply. |
OrderType | * | OrderType | Specifying what kind of order it should be. |
CreatePaymentPlanDetails | - | CreatePaymentPlanDetails | Only when OrderType is PaymentPlan |
CreateAccountCreditDetails | - | CreateAccountCreditDetails | Only when OrderType is AccountCredit |
PeppolId | - | String(55) | Identifier for PEPPOL invoices. Format: 4 digits followed by a colon and up to 50 alphanumerical characters. For example, 0007: 5620202027 . |
GroupReference | - | String | Reference used to group collective invoices. Contact Svea Payments for more information. (Not needed in a standard integration) |
Field | U | R | Type | Description |
NationalIdNumber | * | - | String(12) | Field for entering unique identifiers for customers in certain countries. (Example (SE): Personnummer or Organisationsnummer). Will not be returned for Finnish clients. |
Email | - | - | String(50) | Customer email address. |
PhoneNumber | - | - | String(18) | Customer phone number. |
IpAddress | - | - | String | Customer IP-address. |
FullName | - | - | String(40) | Full name of the customer. Contains either first name + family name or company name. |
Street | - | - | String(40) | Customer street address. |
CoAddress | - | - | String(40) | Customer co-address. |
ZipCode | - | - | String(5) | The complete Customer zip code. |
HouseNumber | - | - | String | House number (only applicable in certain countries). |
Locality | - | - | String(20) | Town of residence. |
CountryCode | - | * | String(2) | A country code which defines where the customer is residing. |
CustomerType | - | * | CustomerType | See Enumeration |
PublicKey | - | - | String | Identifier for selecting a specific preapproved address. (Not needed in a standard integration) |
IndividualIdentity | - | - | IndividualIdentity | Required for DE and NL when CustomerType is Individual |
CompanyIdentity | - | - | CompanyIdentity | Required for DE and NL when CustomerType is Company |
Field | R | Type | Description |
FirstName | * | String | |
LastName | * | String | |
Initials | - | String | Only used in NL, “voorletters” |
BirthDate | * | String | Person date of birth in format YYYYMMDD. |
Field | R | Type | Description |
CompanyIdentification | - | String | Not in use. |
CompanyVATNumber | * | String | Company VAT number. |
Field | R | Type | Description |
CampaignCode | - | Integer | Payment plan identifier. For more information, contact Svea Payments. |
CoCustomerIdentity | - | CustomerIdentity | Not in use. |
SendAutomaticGiroPaymentForm | * | Boolean | Should an autogiro-form be sent with the first notification. |
FixedMonthlyAmount | - | Nullable of Decimal | Not in use. |
Field | R | Type | Description |
CampaignCode | - | Nullable Long | AccountCredit campaign identifier. |
Field | R | Type | Description |
ConfirmationUrl | - | String | URL to a page in your webshop where the customer will be redirected after successful identification. |
RejectionUrl | - | String | URL to a page in your webshop where the customer will be redirected if an error occurs during identification. |
Field | U | R | Type | Description |
SveaOrderId | * | * | Long | Unique Id for the created order. Used for any further webservice requests. |
SveaWillBuyOrder | - | * | Boolean | Describes whether Svea Payments will buy the order or just administrate it. |
Amount | - | * | Decimal | The approved order amount. |
CustomerIdentity | - | - | CustomerIdentity | Shipping address. |
ExpirationDate | - | - | DateTime | Order expiration date. If the order isn’t delivered before this date the order is automatically closed and it cannot be delivered. |
ClientOrderNumber | - | - | String(32) | Your reference to the current order. |
PendingReasons | - | - | List<String> | Is set and contains identifiers if order is pending. |
Field | R | Type | Description |
RedirectUrl | * | String | Link to Svea Payments identification service. |
Value | Description |
Individual | The customer is a private individual. |
Company | The customer is a business entity. |