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How does it work?

When the merchant configures the nShift delivery checkout and provides the authentication properties to Svea, everything is ready and set up.
Here is a representation of the interaction happening behind the scenes:

Shipping Diagram

What kind of delivery options can be configured?

The nShift platform determines which shipping options should be configured and what should be included in each. Further information can be found at nShift.

What are tags?

Tags are representations of the specific set of querystring parameters that were included with the request for fetching the delivery options from nShift. We makes sure to send the basic parameters necessary for the shipping to work, like country and zipcode of the parcel, however any other parameters can be sent alongside if they are configured by nShift.All tags are sent in lowercase. Find out more at nShift.

What are fallback options?

In the event that Svea fails to communicate properly with nShift platform (i.e. nShift service is unavailable) there is still a possibility to continue the shipping checkout using a specified fallback option. This means the end customer will still be offered some delivery options for their parcel, although perhaps not the exact same that would usually be provided. The fallback options are properties that are set with the initial order, created by the merchant and has to have a valid, corresponding ID in nShift. If no fallback option is provided when nShift is unavailable, no delivery options will be presented and the order cannot be completed.

More details about fallback option can be found at fallback options

Shipping VAT calculations

VAT calculations must to be done by merchants!

Checkout Widget Methods will be used to notify a merchant when shipping is confirmed by an end-customer together with shipping fee included with tax, after which VAT is supposed to be calculated based on that information.

ShippingFee item is meant to be distinguished from regular order items with its own column called “RowType” and a value of ”ShippingFee”

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please make sure that "ShouldRejectShippingSession" is set to false when you try to calculate the shippingFee VAT and update the order! ("ShouldRejectShippingSession" should be set to true when the actual cart is changed!) Find Reference here

NOTE: Please beware that you might need to create multiple rows for shippingFee, since our system only accepts regular VAT format.